Two people sitting outside talking.

Get the word out

There are more than 100 known causes of peripheral neuropathy, but over 20% of those diagnosed have ‘idiopathic’ PN, meaning the cause is unknown. More research funding could help reduce that percentage and lead to more breakthroughs in treatments, and eventually, cures.

PN from the national institute of health

Although PN Awareness Week is in May, we work to get the word out year round

Share your story

Share your experience with diagnosis, treatment or daily life adjustments that help contribute to a high quality of life for you or a loved one after PN entered the picture. You can even submit your story for possible inclusion in our print newsletter or blog, just fill out the form.

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Follow us. Visit our pages frequently, (because of algorithms, you only see an estimated 20% of the content shared by those you follow in your feed) like and share our content. Then invite your friends to follow us, too!

Add a PN frame to your profile pic with our Canva template (free Canva account required.)

Thank your support community

No one fights peripheral neuropathy alone. Whether you want to print a postcard and mail it to your sister to thank her for making you dinner when you couldn’t manage to use your hands, or you want to post on social to thank your whole network for their support, we’ve got the materials for you to do it.

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Vote, advocate for peripheral neuropathy

Show up at the polls. Write to your representatives. Talk to your neighbor about PN and what can be done with more research funding.

Learn more, educate others

Our free resource library is constantly growing. Whether you’re learning about your initial options as a newly diagnosed patient, or about a parent’s condition so you can offer more support

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteers are key to our success. They work with our small Foundation staff to advance our mission and improve the lives of the approximately 30 million people with PN.

Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.