PN summer web series kicks off in July! Learn more

Resource Library


Welcome to the FPN Resource Library. You’ll find a collection of free peripheral neuropathy educational resources, videos, brochures, and transcripts for patients, caregivers, physicians, and more.

Interested in a particular topic? You can search our e-Catalog of Articles on Peripheral Neuropathy here.

Peripheral neuropathy is the manifestation of many different conditions that can damage the peripheral nerves and is considered a neurological disorder rather than one distinct disease. Peripheral neuropathy may be either inherited or acquired.
Learn about peripheral neuropathy causes, symptoms, treatment options and much more. “Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy” is a perfect brochure for newly diagnosed patients, family members, care givers and support groups. Order copies by emailing [email protected] or print your own (and select print option “print to fit”).
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy describes a family of nerve disorders that are directly caused by complications from diabetes. Learn more about the most common type of PN.
In order to achieve its mission, FPN initiated the creation of the Peripheral Neuropathy Research Registry (PNRR) which will facilitate both the basic and clinical research studies needed for an improved understanding of the causes and development of PN. Learn more about the Registry and how to enroll.
Take a peek at our newest brochure, highlighting FPN and our programs. This will soon be distributed in doctor’s offices across the country (and globe!) for newly-diagnosed patients and folks that want to connect with our organization. If you or someone you know wants to learn more about our work, check this out!
Our FPN|News that is published twice annually – Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. With a cover article that addresses an important topic for those struggling with peripheral neuropathy, you will also find research, tips from patients, Q&A from the experts in PN, articles on ‘Living Well’, upcoming events, and more.