Woman assisting a woman using a cane.

Get the word out

Caregiving can be exhausting and overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself while providing care to another.

  • Find a caregiver support group.
  • Maintain a sense of humor.
  • Be assertive about getting the type of support you need.
  • Develop self-efficacy: a person’s belief about his or her ability to organize and execute courses of action to manage given situations.
  • Reach out for help in the family or community.
  • Learn to prioritize your tasks so your load is manageable.
  • Take care of your health. Make sure to eat healthy, get some exercise and enough sleep.
  • Give yourself credit for what you do well regarding caregiving activities.
  • Incorporate joy into your life. Do things you enjoy on a daily basis: listen to music, garden, go see a movie, or take a walk.
  • Start a journal. Writing will help you express emotion and regain perspective.
Learn to relax (it takes practice).

Source: caring.comhomecareassistance.com

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