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Search Results for: small fiber neuropathy

Kidney Failure

[printfriendly] Chronic kidney or renal failure (uremia) occurs when the kidneys gradually fail to function properly. When the kidneys are impaired, fluids and waste products accumulate in the body. This accumulation is toxic for nerves, and in some cases, may cause peripheral neuropathy. Many conditions can cause kidney failure; the most common are diabetes and …

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[printfriendly] Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is a relatively common, though under-diagnosed, hereditary disorder in which a fairly mild pressure or trauma to a single nerve results in episodes or periods of numbness and weakness, similar to an arm or leg going to sleep. Unlike a limb going to sleep for a …

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

[printfriendly] What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a localized compression of a median nerve at the level of the wrist. At the base of the hand is a narrow place between bones and ligaments where the median nerve and muscle tendons are found. This area is called the carpal tunnel. When …

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[printfriendly] Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessel system, which includes the veins, arteries, and capillaries. Vasculitis may affect blood vessels of any type, size, or location, and therefore can cause dysfunction in any organ system, including the central and peripheral nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy may occur as a result of having vasculitis. Vasculitis …

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Our Leadership [printfriendly] About Our Foundation The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is committed to fostering collaboration among today’s most gifted and dedicated neuroscientists and physicians. These specialists from around the country will help us maintain a comprehensive view of the field and determine the research areas that hold the most promise in neuropathy research and …

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Kristy Townsend

FPN Welcomes New Board Member, Kristy Townsend

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is pleased to welcome our newest Member of the Board of Directors, Kristy Townsend, Ph.D., effective June 1, 2021. Kristy Townsend holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and has been investigating the brain and nervous system in the regulation of energy balance and metabolism for the past 20 years. Townsend is …

FPN Welcomes New Board Member, Kristy Townsend Read More »


Jen’s Story: Raising Awareness for PN Brings People Together

When Jen set out to raise awareness for PN, she did more than she expected. Her outreach helped others and brought people together. Jen shares her story here. Jen’s Story I never thought neuropathy would be part of my story. Prior to my diagnosis, I was a healthy 39-year-old writer, health coach, and personal trainer. …

Jen’s Story: Raising Awareness for PN Brings People Together Read More »

FPN Welcomes the University of Michigan and Dr. Amro Stino

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to welcome the University of Michigan as a new site for patient enrollments into the Peripheral Neuropathy Research Registry. In this article, FPN’s Executive Director interviews the newest researcher to join this special team, Dr. Amro Stino, and why this new partnership will be fruitful for the …

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Diva’s Story: Self Help for Self Healing!

Diva’s Story: The Beginning Diva’s Story: To ring in the New Year four years ago, I fell off a horse. With all my other injuries, it took me a few days to notice that my left toe had gone just a little bit numb. “So you can’t feel your toe?” “Not really, it’s more like …

Diva’s Story: Self Help for Self Healing! Read More »