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Research News: 2008 Archive

Administering Calcium and Magnesium Effectively Reduces Neurological Sensitivity Caused by the Chemotherapy Drug Oxaliplatin 

Researchers in the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) have shown that patients who receive intravenous calcium and magnesium before and after the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin for the treatment of advanced colon cancer experience a significantly reduced incidence and severity of neurological side effects (neurotoxicity).

Learn More about Researchers in the North Central Cancer Treatment Group
Source: Newswise / Mayo Clinic

Medicinal Marijuana Effective For Neuropathic Pain In HIV, Study Finds

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the impact of smoked medical cannabis, or marijuana, on the neuropathic pain associated with HIV, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found that reported pain relief was greater with cannabis than with a placebo.

Learn More about Medicinal Marijuana Effective For Neuropathic Pain In HIV
Source: Science Daily

Modest Exercise Helps Chronic Pain Patients (MedScape Free Subscription)

Physical conditioning in chronic pain patients can have immediate and long-term benefits, according to a new study presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine 24th Annual Meeting.

Learn More about Modest Exercise Helps Chronic Pain Patients
Source: Medscape Medical News

Protein Found That May Provide Relief From Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is caused by injury to the peripheral nerves in diseases such as HIV/AIDS, shingles, and cancer or in repetitive motion disorders and trauma, and does not respond well to conventional pain-relieving drugs.

Learn More about Protein Found That May Provide Relief From Neuropathic Pain
Source: Science Daily

Regenerative Activity In The Peripheral Nervous System Could Mean Regeneration For The Central Nervous System

Researchers at the Peninsula Medical School in the South West of England, University College London, the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan and Cancer Research UK, have for the first time identified a protein that is key to the regeneration of damage in the peripheral nervous system and which could with further research lead to understanding diseases of our peripheral nervous systems and provide clues to methods of repairing damage in the central nervous system, according to a paper  recently published in the Journal of Cell Biology.

Learn More about Regenerative Activity In The Peripheral Nervous System
Source: Science Daily

Worried About Family of Friends Falling? New Guideline Identifies Those Most at Risk

A new guideline developed by the American Academy of Neurology finds certain neurology patients are at a high risk of accidental falls and should be regularly screened to help prevent the high number of fall-related injuries and deaths in the United States each year.

Learn More about New Guideline Identifies Those Most at Risk
Source: Science Daily / American Academy of Neurology