IMAGiNe Study


The IMAGiNe Study (Immunoglobulin M(IgM)-Anti-myelin-associated-glycoprotein (MAG) Peripheral Neuropathy Study) aims to create a standardized database and biobank to be used for the research and analysis of Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy. The goal is to be able to identify and predict the disease progression and treatment response, drawing on the information and DNA collected from the biobank and patient database. The hope is that researchers will be able to determine cause and treatments for sufferers of the disease.

Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy is a form of peripheral neuropathy caused by a rare autoimmune condition. With this type of peripheral neuropathy, a patient’s immune system attacks cells that are vital in maintaining a healthy peripheral nervous system. As these cells are destroyed by antibodies, they lose function and impact sensory and motor functions. More information on this condition can be found on the FPN website.

The global experts behind the IMAGiNe study hope to fill a major gap in medical research on “anti-MAG” through this study. We all hope this leads to better understanding of the condition and new treatments that improve the lives of patients living with “anti-MAG.”

For general information about the IMAGiNe study, please email [email protected].

Participants must meet all qualifying criteria, including having been diagnosed with anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy, and be able to travel to a participating site for an initial evaluation and follow-up study visits.

We are excited to partner with the following institutions to fund this all-important research program. If you would like to learn more about participating and/or enrolling as a patient at one of the sites, please use the contact information below.

Partnering Institutions

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Anti-MAG Peripheral Neuropathy: Q&A

Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy (Immunoglobulin M(IgM) Anti-Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Peripheral Neuropathy) is a rare autoimmune variety of peripheral neuropathy. In this type of PN, a person’s

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