Scientist in a lab.


Drawing on DNA collected from the biobank and patient database, researchers hope to determine the cause of Anti-MAG PN and treatments for sufferers.

Anti-MAG PN is a form of PN caused by a rare autoimmune condition. With Anti-MAG PN, a patient’s immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. As cells are destroyed, they impact sensory and motor functions.

The IMAGiNe study fills a major gap in medical research on “Anti-MAG”, helping propel new treatments for those living with the condition.

We are excited to partner with the following institutions to fund the IMAGiNE study.

Johns Hopkins medicine logo

Principal Investigator

Simone Thomas

(410) 614-4188
601 N. Caroline Street
5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21287

Michigan University.

Principal Investigator

Amro Stino, MD

(734) 936-9010
Department of Neurology
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
1914 Taubman Center SPC 5316
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5316

Sant Pau logo.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Luis Querol

Unidad de Enfermedades Neuromusculares
Servicio de Neurología
Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Phone: +34 935 53 78 01
Carrer del Mas Casanovas, 90
08041, Barcelona, Spain

CHU Bicetre logo.

Principal Investigator

Andoni Echaniz Laguna

Phone: +33 1 45 21 21 21
78 Rue du Général Leclerc
94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre

Neurology clinic logo.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Stojan Peric

Phone: +381 11 3609999
Pasterova 2
Beograd 11000

Humanitas logo.

Principal investigator

Eduardo Nobile Orazio

Phone: +39 02 82241
Via Alessandro Manzoni
56, 20089 Rozzano MI, Italy

HCL logo

Principal Investigator

Juliette Svahn

Phone: +33 825 08 25 69
3 Quai des Célestins
69002 Lyon, France

AARHUS logo.

Principal Investigator

Thomas Harbo

Phone: +45 70 11 31 31
Palle Juul-Jensens Blvd 161
8200 Aarhus, Denmark

NHS logo.

Principal Investigator

Stephen Keddie

W Smithfield
United Kingdom
[email protected]

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