FY24 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program

FY24 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) funding opportunities are now available!

For the fourth consecutive year, peripheral neuropathy (PN) has been renewed for research funding by the Department of Defense (DoD) Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP)’s $370 million fund for FY24. In advance of pre-application deadlines, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is sharing with you the FY24 funding mechanisms, award amounts, maximum direct costs and how to apply.

FY24 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program award mechanisms and pre-application deadlines:

  • Clinical Trial Award (No direct cost limit): May 13
  • Discovery Award ($275,000 maximum): May 6
  • Impact Award ($2M/$2.6M maximum): May 13
  • Investigator-Initiated Research Award ($1M maximum): May 6
  • Lifestyle and Behavioral Health Interventions Award ($3M maximum): May 13
  • Technology/Therapeutic Development Award ($4M maximum): May 13

Most of the full applications are due May 23, June 6, or August 19, 2024, depending on the grant mechanism.

Background Information

Since its formation in 2007, FPN has worked tirelessly to advance peripheral neuropathy research to improve diagnosis, treatment, and management of this debilitating condition. In the first year for PN eligibility, the PRMRP received more than 1,000 applications for all eligible conditions. Forty-one focused on PN. Eight of those 41 projects were successful and resulted in more than $8 million in funding. In 2022, three of 28 applications were awarded funding totaling more than $4.6 million for PN grants. In 2023, three applications were awarded funding, totaling more than $3.5 million for PN grants.

For more information about the FY24 PRMRP (including submission instructions), please visit the Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP): https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=583103

Additionally, please refer to this FY24 PRMRP Glitz sheet for a summary of eligible topic areas, submission deadlines and award maximums.

FPN is a non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of patients living with peripheral neuropathy. The organization helps accelerate the ability to diagnose, treat, prevent, and cure peripheral neuropathies through research funding and increased awareness of this condition. For questions, please reach out to the Foundation at [email protected].

Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.