Healthy Eating for PN: Tempeh and Meat Alternatives


Chef Bill Nolan shares some ideas on how to cook with meat alternatives and plant-based proteins. Wondering about Meat Alternatives? By now we’ve probably all been exposed to alternatives to meat, if not in our own kitchens, then through the extensive marketing that is done by companies selling these new products. We can all benefit […]

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Healthy Eating for PN with Chef Bill Nolan


Turn to Fish for Healthy Eating! Go fish. The thought of cooking fish scares a lot of people because they think it is difficult. Folks are afraid that they will overcook it and ruin it or undercook it and get sick. RELAX! The purpose of this post is to dispel some of your fears and […]

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Healthy Eating for PN with Chef Bill Nolan

Bok choy

Healthy Eating for the Holidays Is it December already? What an extraordinary year we’ve had. I don’t know about you, but with the holidays upon us, it seems to me like people are really making an effort to enjoy the season. We’ve all needed something to look forward to, something to concentrate on besides the […]

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Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy: Make Your Own Granola

Homemade granola

Chef Bill Nolan shares a recipe for healthy and hearty granola. Whenever possible I try to make my own versions of what you might normally buy at the store. Truth be told, if there were more hours in the day, I’d make a lot of these types of items. When we make our own, we […]

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Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy: Energy Truffles


Chef Bill Nolan shares a healthy treat for the holidays. Happy Holidays! I’m always on the search for healthy snacks, so I’ve decided to feature one of my all-time favorite snack foods. Keep the healthy part secret, they taste so good people won’t believe that they’re a healthy choice. Introducing Energy Truffles They’re very easy […]

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Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy: Grilled Salmon

Cubed Salmon.

Chef Bill Nolan shares a healthy recipe for grilled salmon as we enjoy the warm days of September. While fall is here, we still have enough good weather ahead to enjoy the barbeque. I have taken to grilling more fish and vegetables and love them! Today I am sharing a recipe for grilled spiced salmon […]

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Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy with Chef Bill Nolan

Whole ingredients.

Chef Bill Nolan shares another ‘healthy eating’ recipe using two nutritional powerhouses: kale and quinoa. Kale is packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid. Quinoa is high in protein, fiber and vitamins as well. Summer is here and it’s time for salads! I like to have a big salad every weekday for […]

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Introducing: Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy by Bill Nolan

Bill Nolan

Introducing our new featured blog: Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy We all know that healthy eating is vital to our health and may even help manage the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Our new guest contributor, Bill Nolan, will be offering us healthy eating tips and recipes on a monthly basis. Keep checking in for more ideas and […]

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