eNews February 2023

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is pleased to announce that peripheral neuropathy has been renewed as an eligible condition for Department of Defense (DOD) funds for the upcoming year. The Bill recently made it into law and FPN is proud that its lobbying campaign this past year was a success! Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program The […]
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy asked Dr. Shanna Patterson and Dr. Rory Abrams, FPN’s Patient Education Advisors, what they are seeing in relation to neurological symptoms following COVID-19. The doctors shared the following information. What do we know about COVID-19? COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first described in December 2019 in Wuhan, […]
Earlier this week, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy‘s Executive Director, Lindsay Colbert, sat down with its Scientific Advisory Board Chairman, Dr. Ahmet Höke, MD, PhD, to learn more about COVID-19 and its impact on peripheral neuropathy patients. We confirmed that people with peripheral neuropathy are not at an increased risk of being infected with COVID-19, […]
Read More… from Ask The Expert: Peripheral Neuropathy and COVID-19
Question: Should patients with peripheral neuropathy get flu or shingle shots? Answer: In general, everyone should get the flu shot every year and, as per CDC guidelines, people age 50 and older should get the shingles vaccine. In addition, people with various medical conditions should also get the shingles shot even if they are under […]
Read More… from Peripheral Neuropathy Q&A: Flu and Shingles Shots
Flu season is upon us. At this time of year the Foundation frequently receives inquiries about the safety of getting the flu vaccine if a patient has peripheral neuropathy – especially peripheral neuropathy patients with underlying immune issues. **This information is intended for general educational purposes only. Any decisions regarding vaccinations should be made in […]