eNews December 2023


Happiest of holidays to you and yours from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. We are so grateful for your continued support in our organization, whether you already made your gift to our year end campaign, told someone about us on Giving Tuesday or recently received your PN swag. Thank you and stay safe, cozy and healthy during this season! […]

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Have you been diagnosed with CIDP? A clinical research study (ARISE) is now enrolling to evaluate an investigational medication.

Janssen Arise

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disease where the body’s natural defenses, like antibodies, attack the covering of the nerves, called myelin, and damage nerve function. While symptoms aren’t the same for everyone, CIDP can make your arms and legs feel weak and slow your movements. The purpose of the ARISE Study is […]

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Idiopathic Neuropathy: Q&A

Q & A

Sometimes peripheral neuropathy seems to happen for no particular reason. Doctors call this disorder “idiopathic,” which means “of unknown cause.” Q&A with Norman Latov, MD, PhD On February 22, 2023, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) welcomed Norman Latov, MD, PhD, from Weill Cornell Medical College, to present on idiopathic neuropathy (IPN). During this 60-minute […]

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