We Should Not Be Friends book cover

Book Fundraiser to Benefit FPN: Order by Feb. 21

Best-selling author of “The End of Your Life Book Club” and FPN friend, Will Schwalbe, has written a new book, “We Should Not Be Friends.” Chronicling a forty-year improbable, life-changing friendship, this warm, funny, irresistible book also explores Schwalbe’s experience with small fiber neuropathy.

We Should Not Be Friends is as funny, warm, brutally honest and entertaining as it is profound. It’s unlike any memoir I’ve ever read. Maxey and Schwalbe show us that our hearts are far bigger and more accommodating than we ever would have imagined.”

— Louise Penny, best-selling author of the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache novels

For every copy of “We Should Not Be Friends” ordered, prior to publication on Feb. 21, 2023, $10 will be donated to FPN by an anonymous donor. (Maximum donation: $5,000)

Notify us at [email protected] if you purchase a book, so we can track purchases for the donor match.

Read more about the book, and pre-order today.

As a longtime supporter of the Foundation, Schwalbe has participated in webinars and support groups. The donor, an admirer of our work, enjoyed learning about Schwalbe’s personal experience with neuropathy while reading a pre-release copy of the memoir.

Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.