2022 PRMRP Awarded Projects

In 2020, Congress for the first time included “peripheral neuropathy” as an eligible condition for study through a $370 million fund administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) known as the “Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP).” This important breakthrough was a direct result of the nationwide advocacy of the peripheral neuropathy community. This accomplishment has allowed our research community to apply for funding from a federal program to which they previously did not have access. The PRMRP is specifically focused on high-risk, high-reward research that will lead to new, tangible outcomes such as new therapeutics and treatments. Every year, Congress determines the conditions that are eligible for study through the PRMRP by listing them in the Senate version of the annual Defense Appropriations Act. Below are the peripheral neuropathy-related projects that will receive funding as part of the 2022 bill.

Principal Investigator: DUBEY, DIVYANSHU
Institution Receiving Award: MAYO CLINIC
Program: PRMRP
Proposal Number: PR220430
Funding Mechanism: Discovery Award
Award Amount: $318,000.00

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Principal Investigator: VENEZIANO, REMI
Institution Receiving Award: GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY
Program: PRMRP
Proposal Number: PR220856
Funding Mechanism: Discovery Award
Award Amount: $317,780.00

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Principal Investigator: SUCKOW, ARTHUR
Institution Receiving Award: DTx PHARMA
Program: PRMRP
Proposal Number: PR221745
Funding Mechanism: Technology/Therapeutic Development Award – Funding Level 2
Award Amount: $3,878,453.00

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