PN summer web series kicks off in July! Learn more

Newly Diagnosed

Peripheral neuropathy affects approximately 30 million people in the United States, and countless more around the world. Despite the large number of people affected by the condition, there are remarkably low levels of public awareness on peripheral neuropathy. The first time many people hear of peripheral neuropathy is when they or a loved one is first diagnosed with the condition.

You have just learned that you have peripheral neuropathy, perhaps from your primary health care provider, perhaps from another medical professional. What do you do now?

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) knows that it can be hard to learn that you have peripheral neuropathy. You might feel overwhelmed, scared and confused. The good news is that FPN has a wealth of resources, experts and communities to rely on so you can feel empowered to manage your symptoms and overall health.

You have already taken the first important step: Diagnosis.

Learning more about what it is and what you can do to help manage your symptoms is the next step. Your doctors can help you, or you can find suggestions on the pages of our website for treatments, diet, exercise, supplements, and other ways to manage your symptoms. There may not be one simple answer but a multi-prong approach to your condition. But it is important that you know that there are people and resources to help.

Read on for some answers. And most importantly… you are not alone.

Getting Started

Peripheral neuropathy is not a single disease. It’s a general term for a series of disorders that result from damage to the body’s peripheral nervous system.

While the most well-known type of peripheral neuropathy (PN) is diabetic neuropathy, this is only one of hundreds of forms of peripheral neuropathy, with almost as many causes. It can be very difficult to diagnose, and in many cases the true cause is unknown (or idiopathic).

The symptoms of neuropathy, including pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet among others, are as varied as the causes. Although no cures for PN have been discovered to date, the Foundation is tirelessly working for its patients to find better treatment options until cures are available.

We thank you for trusting FPN to learn more and applaud you for taking your health seriously. At this time, we invite you to learn more about this condition on our website and welcome any questions that may arise. So, dig in!

Commonly Asked Questions

It is the Foundation’s ultimate goal to utilize every means and opportunity to dramatically improve the lives of those living with peripheral neuropathy. FPN is the only organization that is working broadly in the space of peripheral neuropathy, supporting research as well as providing educational and awareness materials for patients and their families.

COMING SOON are some of our most commonly asked questions from patients who rely on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy as their premier resource for information.

Patient Stories

Patients with peripheral neuropathy may feel they are in a lonely place, with no one they know having the condition. It can also be a hidden condition, with people saying ‘But you look fine, how can you be in pain or feel uncomfortable?’

It is important to remember you are not alone. There are many patients just like you. To hear about some of these patients, read our patient stories section.Â