

Advocacy and Public Policy

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) works to support public policies that benefit people with peripheral neuropathy. Advocacy and public policy work are important for advancing research into finding new treatments and, ultimately, cures for peripheral neuropathy. FPN advocates for federal and state legislation as well as regulatory actions that will eventually benefit PN patients. We are working to ensure patients have access to high-quality, affordable, evidence-based care and treatments and also to ensure that more funding is available for PN researchers.

Our Policy Targets

The Foundation works with key stakeholders to help shape legislation and regulations that impact people with peripheral neuropathy. While priority issues vary from year to year, our main focus is advancing research on peripheral neuropathy. We support efforts to increase the federal investment in research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD), in order to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and management of peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy Research at DoD

In 2020, Congress for the first time included “peripheral neuropathy” as an eligible condition for study through a $370 million fund administered by the DoD known as the “Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP).” This important breakthrough was a direct result of the nationwide advocacy of the peripheral neuropathy community, led by the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy.

In the first year for PN eligibility, the PRMRP received more than 1,000 applications for all eligible conditions. Forty-one focused on PN. Eight of those 41 projects were successful and resulted in more than $8 million in funding. Please click here for a list of the 2021 PRMRP Awarded Projects for peripheral neuropathy.

In 2022, three of 28 applications were awarded funding, totaling more than $4.6 million for PN grants. Please click here for a list of the 2022 PRMRP Awarded Projects for peripheral neuropathy.

In 2023, three applications were awarded funding, totaling more than $3.5 million for PN grants. Please click here for a list of the 2023 PRMRP Awarded Projects for peripheral neuropathy.

For more information about the FY24 PRMRP, for which PN has been renewed once again for a $370 million fund, visit and see deadlines listed below.

Please make note of the FY24 award mechanisms and pre-application deadlines:

  • Clinical Trial Award (No direct cost limit): May 13
  • Discovery Award ($275,000 maximum): May 6
  • Impact Award ($2M/$2.6M maximum): May 13
  • Investigator-Initiated Research Award ($1M maximum): May 6
  • Lifestyle and Behavioral Health Interventions Award ($3M maximum): May 13
  • Technology/Therapeutic Development Award ($4M maximum): May 13

Most of the full applications are due May 23, June 6, or August 19, 2024, depending on the grant mechanism.

Learn more about this program, how to apply, and how applications are evaluated from the Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP):

Background Information:

PN being renewed for another year will allow our research community to apply for funding from a federal program to which they previously did not have access. The PRMRP is specifically focused on high-risk, high-reward research that will lead to new, tangible outcomes such as new therapeutics and treatments.

Every year, Congress determines the conditions that are eligible for study through the PRMRP by listing them in the Senate version of the annual Defense Appropriations Act. However, conditions are not automatically renewed year-to-year, and advocacy is required every year to ensure that members of Congress remain supportive.

FPN worked closely with senators again in 2024 to ensure that peripheral neuropathy was included in the Defense Appropriations Act for a fourth consecutive year.

To learn more about the importance of maintaining the designation of peripheral neuropathy in the PRMRP, download this fact sheet.

Learn how to contact your own representatives (pdf link opens in new tab), pdf link opens in a new tab. Because of the importance of this research to the veterans’ community, the request to include peripheral neuropathy in the PRMRP has been endorsed by the Vietnam Veterans of America and the Veterans for Common Sense (pdf link opens in new tab).

How Else Can You Get Involved?

Advocacy is speaking out on issues that you care about or offering your opinion and suggestions for how to improve something to the people who are in control. It is important for policymakers to hear directly from you about your experiences. You can take several steps toward advocating for increased research funding for peripheral neuropathy. Contact your senators today and ask them to ensure that peripheral neuropathy is maintained as an eligible condition in the PRMRP. Download a sample letter here, pdf link opens in a new tab.

Living with Peripheral Neuropathy: A 30-Year Journey of Challenges and Hope

Meet Jason B., a husband, father, supporter of FPN, and an SFN patient, as he shares his journey living with peripheral neuropathy. January 2, 1994, ...
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A Proclamation for PN Awareness

By Stacey Udell, PN patient and FPN supporter The Town of Huntington’s (NY) board meeting, on April 11, 2024, was a truly unforgettable experience for ...
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Make Your Voice Heard: Join the Call to Action for PN Advocacy!

Help Advocate for Government Funding for Peripheral Neuropathy Research in 2025 Due to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy’s (FPN) advocacy efforts on the Hill, and ...
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PN Renewed in 2024 Defense Appropriations Bill

On March 23, 2024, the Senate Committee on Appropriations approved, by a large bipartisan vote, the Senate version of the fiscal year 2024 Defense Appropriations ...
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FY24 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) funding opportunities are now available!

For the fourth consecutive year, peripheral neuropathy (PN) has been renewed for research funding by the Department of Defense (DoD) Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program ...
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Newly Funded Research: Targeting Local B Cells to Prevent Chronification of Neuropathic Pain

Principal Investigators Peter Grace, PhD, from MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, and Cobi Heijnen, PhD, from Rice University, were recently granted Investigator-Initiated Research ...
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Newly Funded Research: A Novel miR-155 Therapy for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy

Principal Investigator Shailly Jariwala, MS, PhD, of the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, was recently granted a Discovery Award totaling USD$319,151 for her research on a ...
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Importance of Peripheral Neuropathy Recognized in Appropriations Act

Importance of Peripheral Neuropathy: Since 2019, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has been actively engaged in a campaign to increase federal funding for peripheral neuropathy ...
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PN Renewed in Senate Defense Bill

On July 27, 2023, the Senate Committee on Appropriations approved by a large bipartisan vote the Senate version of the fiscal year 2024 Defense Appropriations ...
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FPN's Resource Library

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is the leader in providing resources to patients, caregivers, and physicians.

FPN’s Resource Library contains educational brochures, newsletters, transcripts and videos that cover many topics from treatments to research updates to the numerous causes of peripheral neuropathy.

We hope that you find our Resource Library to be of help to you and your loved ones.