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Join The Speak For Your Feet Contest!

More than 37 million people in the U.S. live with diabetes today. 1

And for many of them, nerve damage caused by diabetes – a condition called diabetic peripheral neuropathy or diabetic nerve pain – is a common complication that most often affects the lower extremities and normally presents itself as tingling, numbness, burning, shooting or stabbing sensations.

These symptoms can cause debilitating pain, and there are far too many patients who may not recognize diabetic nerve pain symptoms or are living with unresolved pain.

The American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA), as well as members of the medical and patient community, have launched the Speak For Your Feet contest to bring awareness to diabetic nerve pain and empower patients to advocate for themselves by better identifying symptoms and talking to their healthcare provider earlier in the treatment journey.

We welcome all individuals impacted by, and aware of, the symptoms surrounding diabetic nerve pain of the feet to submit a 4-10 letter mnemonic where each letter represents any of the following:

  • Key symptoms associated with diabetic nerve pain of the feet (tingling, numbness, burning sensations, etc.)
  • Important reminders about your health, such as controlling your glucose levels or advocating for yourself
  • Actionable next steps for speaking to a healthcare professional about potential solutions

An example mnemonic for diabetic nerve pain may look like “S.U.G.A.R.”:

S – Speak up
U – Uncontrollable pain
G – Glucose control isn’t helping
A – Advocate for yourself
R – Research treatment options

The winning submission will be used in educational materials to help people with diabetes recognize, remember, and seek care for diabetic nerve pain of the feet.

The winning entrant will receive a $1,000 VISA gift card or two passes to the ACPA 2023 Pain Freedom Conference in Colorado, with up to $1,500 for associated travel and lodging expenses.

Additionally, three runners up will receive one $100 VISA gift card.

To submit your entry and for more around rules and prizes, CLICK HERE. This contest is supported by Averitas Pharma in collaboration with the patient community.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A Snapshot: Diabetes In The United States. Accessed March 30, 2022.

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